Fixed controller change and program change midi messages from third party devices getting their channels set to the MPE master channel when in MPE mode and forwarding to ARGON.
Fixed a case where it was possible to get spammed with an error message that no longer applied after hitting the ‘yes to all’ button.
Fixed an issue where animation lane data would not be displayed correctly after exporting a sequence.
Fixed anim lane parameters not greying out correctly after loading a sequence.
Fixed a graphical issue with the sequence/FX preset selectors whereby the save button would not correctly highlight when starting the save process.
MacOS/Windows: Cmd/Ctrl selecting presets will no longer occasionally cause a mix up of names when exporting presets.
Streamlined some redundant communication with the device.
MacOS: Ctrl clicking on the presets in the preset manager will now be equivalent to right clicking.
Text sliders can now be clicked to increment/decrement their values, click on the left side of the slider to decrement and the right side to increment.
Imposed restrictions on the enterable range for editable rotary sliders.
The selected patch bank is no longer reset to Bank 0 when switching between preset bank types.
It is now possible to alter the tempo by double clicking and typing in the desired BPM.
Disabled the Midi Local, Aftertouch curve and Velocity curve controls when connected to an ARGON8M as these controls don’t apply to that unit.
ARGON8M and ARGON8X are now named correctly in the tab button bar.